Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ways to fight lung cancer

Fighting with the disease - pulmonary cancer - may be taken in a few ways: surgical removal of the tumor, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a combination of these methods of treatment.

The decision must be made only by doctors, depending on many factors: tumor location, degree of evolution, the general condition of the patient. Like in other cancers, doctors can follow a path of direct fight with the disease or a palliative way, in case the chances of cure are very low and action is taken to apply treatments to relieve suffering that come with illness.

It can make several types of treatment at the same time, the situation in which the second is as an adjunct treatment for essential treatment to enhance its effects as much as possible. Example: after surgical removal of the tumor is treated with chemotherapy to kill any remaining cancer cells in the body and thereby prevent relapse. Surgical removal of the tumor is typically used in stage I or II disease, when cancer cells are localized in the lungs sin u were still widespread in the body.

Surgical removal works well in 10-35% of cases, but the method does not exclude the reappearance of the disease. The method can be applied if the tumor formation is located too close to the trachea or if the patient has other serious diseases. The method removes any portions of the lung or even entirely removes a lung. Sometimes lymph nodes and exposed area are removed.

Surgery is a major invasive method, which requires hospitalization, general anesthesia and specialized medical care post-operative. The method entails the risk of complications more or less severe: heavy bleeding, infections and other complications resulting from anesthesia.

To be continued

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Smoking and colorectal cancer

A relatively recent study shows that people who smoke are exposed, besides other dangers, to colorectal cancer risk drop. This was not shown until now, it was believed that smoking even though it is a risk factor for many other diseases, there is not a risk factor for colorectal cancer.

The study was done over a period of 13 years and included over 200 thousand participants, smokers or former smokers. During the study period - 13 years - 27% of participants were smokers sick of colorectal cancer, the former smokers had contracted the same disease about 23%.

It also found two things: most people who have smoked at least 25 years is ill with colorectal cancer, smokers who quit smoking before the age of 40 years are not at risk of colorectal cancer. The conclusion is self: stop smoking as soon as possible! Dr. Michael Thun, a researcher at the American Cancer Society study results concluded: "Although the link between smoking and colorectal cancer is less obvious, though it exists for sure".